Florida Nonprofit Alliance is the state association for nonprofits in Florida.  Along with our membership, we are working towards our vision of a better Florida through an elevated and protected nonprofit sector.  Become a member today and join the collective voice of more than 22,000 Florida nonprofits.


Our Mission

Florida Nonprofit Alliance is the state's collective voice, respected advocate, effective connector, and powerful mobilizer for the nonprofit sector.

Thank You to Our Partners

Legal Compliance Checklist
This tool outlines laws that affect Florida nonprofits’ governance, finances, advocacy, human resources, and fundraising and how to comply with them.  Download a copy for your organization. 

Learn More
Disaster Resources
Disasters of all kinds occur across our state - natural and otherwise.  Florida Nonprofit Alliance has a disaster toolkit to help you both prepare for, and respond to, disasters.

Download the Toolkit
Nonprofits Tell Us...

FNA has been conducting statewide surveys of Florida nonprofits since 2020.  The 2024 report features findings on nonprofit programs, human resources, financial health, fundraising, hurricane response, and future planning.
  Read the Report

News You Can Use

Our newsletter keeps you up to date on nonprofit happenings at the federal and state level

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