FNA Policy Statement

Our Work  

Florida Nonprofit Alliance (FNA) provides a collective voice for nonprofits at the local, state, and federal levels to inform, promote, and strengthen the influence of the nonprofit sector. FNA serves as a central resource and referral center for all nonprofits to gather, analyze, and share important sector data, fostering statewide nonprofit communication and collaboration.  

Statement of Policies and Procedures
  1. FNA may take and implement appropriate organizational positions on legislative  or other public policy issues which:
    • Have statewide application, effect or potential impact; or;  
      Have local or limited application but are determined to have statewide policy significance; 

    • Have general relevance to the creation, management, operation, administration and well-being of nonprofit organizations in the State of Florida, or;
    • Are of broad, community-wide importance, and are likely to have such a significant impact on the people and causes nonprofits serve that it is appropriate for the voice of the nonprofit sector to be represented in the policy debate.
  2. Except as noted in 1. above, FNA should not take or implement positions on legislation or other public policy issues which are limited in application to a particular subject matter (i.e., education, human services, arts, etc.) of the nonprofit sector.  
  3. Should FNA decide not to take a position on a particular issue, it may, nevertheless, provide legislative monitoring and updates to members on the status of the issue. 
  4. Public Policy positions shall be consistent with the mission of FNA and with policies and objectives approved by the Board of Directors, including the long-term Public Policy Agenda, the Legislative Priorities, prior positions taken in the name of FNA, and other policies of the Board regarding advocacy and public policy.  
Criteria for Advocacy and Public Policy Engagement  


  • How does the issue align with FNA mission, goals, and objectives?
  • Does the issue relate to general objectives and interests of the nonprofit industry in a significant way? 
  • Does the issue affect the infrastructure of the nonprofit or voluntary sector—a “crosscutting issue”?
  • Will the issue strengthen the nonprofit sector and/or its public image? 
  • Does the issue benefit or cause any harm to local nonprofits?
  • Will FNA’s involvement realistically make an impact on the issue?
  • Is there an opportunity for success on the issue (short or long term?)
  • What is the expectation, and timeframe, for success?


  • Is there, or do we reasonably anticipate there will be, general support among the members of FNA on the position to be taken?  
  • What is the level of support or opposition in the community and among key FNA contributors, partners, and supporters regarding this issue?  How will support/opposition impact FNA relationships?
  • Are there opportunities for collaboration on this issue? 
  • How effectively will nonprofits be able to engage staff and/or volunteers on this issue?
  • Does FNA have the capacity and resources to address the issue (expertise, financial, staff/volunteer time)?
  • What is the political history of the issue? 


  • Will FNA be perceived as a legitimately concerned and appropriate advocate for the position to be taken? 
  • What is FNA’s past experience with this issue?
  • Is the issue bi-partisan or non-partisan?