Core Advocacy Trainings

Florida Nonprofit Alliance's expertise lies in both providing advocacy and lobbying for the sector and in training nonprofits on how to advocate and lobby for themselves. Our standard advocacy training catalog is listed below. All workshops are virtual, unless other arrangements are made.

If you have a need that is not represented here, please contact us for a custom training proposal.

Advocacy 101

90 minutes

This workshop is an overview of advocacy and lobbying for nonprofits, including why it's important, the legal and practical implications, and how to do both effectively.


Measuring the Success of Your Advocacy Work

90 minutes

Advocacy means lots of different things - building relationships, sharing your successes with decision makers, protecting your organization, and much more.  But how do you know if you are doing it well?  How do you measure how effective your efforts are?  Learn how to set your goals, measure to those goals, and adapt them over time.


Board Roles and Responsibilities with an Advocacy Lens

90 minutes

A nonprofit's Board of Directors can be some of its best advocates for its mission and clients.  But not many Board members understand what they can and should do in advocating and lobbying for an organization.  This workshop explains how to create a culture of advocacy at the highest level of your organization.


Setting a Policy Agenda

90 minutes

This workshop teaches you how to develop a policy agenda that identifies the legislative and advocacy priorities for your organization, clarifies the actions you will (and won't!) take, and reassures decision makers and stakeholders that your advocacy work will be legal, ethical, and effective.


Working in Coalitions

90 minutes

One of the easiest and most successful ways to do advocacy work as a nonprofit organization is through coalitions. This workshop walks you through how to identify a coalition with goals similar to yours, what to expect when working with coalitions, and how to maximize your coalition success. 


Nuts and Bolts of State Government

90 minutes

This workshop covers everything Florida Government and how your nonprofit can effectively advocate for itself. Learn who the decision makers are, what they do, how they do it, when things happen, and how you can create change for our communities. 


Election Season Primer for Nonprofits

60 minutes

Does your organization know how to interact with candidates, respond to campaign requests, and legally and ethically participate in get out the vote events?  This workshop can help you navigate the do's, don'ts, and caution areas of election season.


Research Presentations

60 minutes

These presentations share our statewide research on topics that are important to nonprofits. Regional and/or county information is included when available.  Options include:

  •  State of the Nonprofit Sector in Florida – dives into the economic impact of nonprofits in Florida, how COVID-19 has affected nonprofits, and a brief overview of charitable giving in our state.
  • Individual Giving in Florida – who is giving in Florida, why they give, and what causes they give to.
  • Nonprofit Sector Overview - what nonprofits tell us are the most pressing issues for them, and our recommendations on what to do about those challenges.