Measuring the Success of Your Advocacy Work (Series Part 4)
Advocacy means lots of different things - building relationships, sharing your successes with decision makers, protecting your organization, and much more. But how do you know if you are doing it well? How do you measure how effective your efforts are? Learn how to set your goals, measure to those goals, and adapt them over time.
This workshop is part of the 2024 Advocacy Series.
Nonprofit organizations can and should be engaged in advocacy work that will advance their mission. But making sure you understand what you can legally do and creating a plan for your advocacy work can be overwhelming, if it’s not currently a part of your organization’s activities! Florida Nonprofit Alliance is here to help. Over the course of two months, advocacy experts will lead you through how to set advocacy goals from allowable activities, how to engage your Board and staff leadership in advocacy, how to measure your success, and the best ways to identify and work in coalitions to maximize your efforts.
If you register for all four workshops, receive 25% off with the code ALLFOUR.
Other workshops in the series:
Who Should Attend?
This series is ideal for nonprofit leaders, both staff and Board, who want to kickstart their advocacy work. You can register for each of the workshops individually, but we recommend participating in all four. This will give you a clear starting point for planning your advocacy work and allow you to meet other nonprofit leaders who are doing the same – the cohort-like experience is an added bonus!
Cost: $20 for FNA members; $40 for non-members (25% discount available for participating in the series) The series will be $60 for members and $120 for non-members
For More Information: