Addressing Racism

Posted By: Sabeen Perwaiz FNA News, Trending Topics,

Dear FNA members,

I hope this note finds you healthy and safe.

The past week has been difficult. George Floyd’s murder has tipped many of us over into not only thinking about what we stand for as a nation and as individuals, but also about what we can do to change things. This is a pivotal moment in time. Are we willing to have direct and truthful conversations about racism? What version of a “normal world” are we comfortable with? These are by no means easy questions but nonetheless they are questions we must ask ourselves if we want an equitable and just world for all.

If you are a black leader, thank you for all you do to uplift your community and all Floridians during this hard time. Please know that FNA stands by you today, and every day.

Florida Nonprofit Alliance recognizes and acknowledges the systemic inequities, repeated traumas and persistent pain experienced by our African American and Black community. We hope you will take time in your staff meetings, board meetings, and among your friends to pause, acknowledge, and listen. Many of us have observed keynotes and participated in workshops on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. As leaders in the nonprofit community, we are now in a position to inform the work our organizations do on behalf of the African American and Black community, and other communities of color.

This work requires courage. Our silence and our support will be noticed. Here are some resources to help move this conversation forward:

  •  Anti-Racism Resources, compiled by Sarah Sophie Flicker and Alyssa Klein.  This list includes articles, books, films, documentaries, podcasts, and organizations to follow for all ages. 
  • Color of Change is the nation’s largest online racial justice organization that seeks to end practices that unfairly hold Black people back by designing campaigns for individuals, organizations, and leaders looking to make real changes for injustice.
  • White Ally Toolkit Workbook by Dr. David Campt, a national racial equity advocate, equips white allies with best practices based on listening, storytelling, and compassion.  

Please let us know if you have any questions or need any resources to help you with this important reflection. Take care of yourselves.  Together, we will make change and come out as a stronger community.


Sabeen Perwaiz